Can U help

The Knit and Natter Group would appreciate any wool Wool ballfor use to make beanie hats beanie hatthat are donated to The Mission to Seafarers, to make blanketsblanket for Ukraine and to make lap blankets for elderly patients at Yeovil hospital.

Please give any donations to Muriel Watt.

The Mission to Seafarers have also requested any donations of mens warm winter clothing and waterproofs, all sizes are welcome.  Muriel will pass them on.The Mission to Seafarers

The Knit & Natter Group hit the headlines in The Good News Post Oct 24 2024:-

Milton Knitters Spread Warmth Worldwide

                              Knit  natter group with blanket

The Milton Methodist Knit and Natter group in Weston-super-Mare Somerset is making a difference both locally and globally through their charitable knitting projects.

Led by Muriel Watt, the group creates blankets for communities in Ukraine, Romania, and Gambia, while also supporting elderly patients in local hospitals.

Their caring initiative extends to seafarers at Avonmouth port, for whom they knit beanie hats and collect warm clothing and waterproofs.

The group also accepts donations of men's clothes and blankets for local hospice distribution.

"Every stitch we make carries a message of hope," says Watt, whose group continues to welcome donations to support their vital community work.