
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, at Milton we strive to be welcoming to everyone and give all people the opportunity to get to know God, his kingdom and His people. Our mission is to "love God and serve others" and we enjoy seeing this happen throughout the family of Church in the various small groups, meetings and activities that take place on a weekly basis. We want to invite you to join us in fellowship with one another and Jesus Christ and hope that you feel at home with the people of Milton Methodist Church.  

To find out whats happening in the next week or in the future please visit our what's on page. You'll also be able to find a copy of the current service plan via this page.

                           Church building        

Prayer and Support

If there is anything you would like us to pray for you can send us an anonymous prayer request here.

All requests are treated confidentially and are not discussed outside of the prayer group.

We also have a pastoral team and if you need more hands on support please contact your pastoral visitor or the minister Rev. Judith Lincoln using the telephone number given at the bottom of the page.

We hope you find everything you need here, but if you don't please leave us a message via the contact page, email or give us a call. Or if you just want someone to talk to or have questions about faith please make contact we would love to get to know you more and do our best to help.