Church Events
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Ladies Thursday Group Celebration Tea - 60th year - 1964-2024
Milton Methodist Church Ladies Afternoon Group celebrated with a special tea on Thursday afternoon, September 19th, at 2.30 pm.
It was very special as we had one of our own
very special ladies with us, who was a member at that time – Christine Gilbert.
She came with her daughter,
The meeting was started in 1964 by June Gregory, our dear late Reverend Leslie Gregory’s wife, who is still living in Weston. We are very proud as a church that it is still going strong, with approximately 50 members. It started as a young wives group as June felt there was a need for the young mums to be able to meet together. It proved so popular that other ladies wanted to join, so it was then called the Ladies Evening Group. We are now meeting in the afternoon due to the fact that some of our ladies have been promoted to grandparents, and in some cases great-grandparents.
We had a super afternoon. Thank you to Jackie and Jo ‘Country Caterers’, who put on an excellent tea. Caroline was our photographer. It was an afternoon full of smiles and laughs and it finished with Christine cutting the celebration cake. It had a personal touch as Natalie, Pat Barnett’s daughter, had designed the decoration on the cake, which was lovely. We were very pleased that our own Minister, Reverend Judith Lincoln, was able to join us.
Thank you to Muriel, Gill, Pat and the committee team for a very enjoyable afternoon, and to you all for continuing to support the meeting.
Harvest Lunch
Saturday's Harvest lunch was superb - when we arrived at our tables there were two quizzes for us to enjoy. It caused a lot of fun and brain teasing. The entertainment was real fun to watch. We had recorded and live entertainment. For some of us we could remember dear past members who are sadly no longer with us, but memories are special. It was lovely to watch Terry and Paul and other church members in the recorded entertainment of past years. Thank you to Derek for arranging the live entertainment - it was hilarious. Diana
Well, what can I say, such a table full of food you couldn't put anything more on it. Everything was there and the ladies worked so hard for us all and well deserved a very big thank you. Everything was so delightful, and I say again thank you to everyone who was involved in making it such a lovely day for us all. Val
A big thank you to the organisers, the produce providers and shoppers, the cooks, all those that prepared the tables and the food and those that served at table. Many thanks from all who attended.
Cream Tea
Well done everyone who worked so hard to make the Cream Tea such a success - thanks to everyone who set up the room, prepared the food, made tea, tidied up, did transport and deliveries. It was great to share food, fellowship and fun with so many people - it really brightened up a wet afternoon. Our young guests (and their grown-ups) enjoyed our activities room with "Guess how many sweets in the jar", "Pin the hat on the Pirate", summer themed colouring and games of Uno, Jenga and Kerplunk.
Rev. Judith Lincoln.
The recent cream tea was a great success and it was wonderful to see so many enjoying the food and fellowship it provided. |
| Wow what a wonderful Cream Tea we all had on Saturday, a
warm welcome was given to everyone. The room was laid out with beautiful
decorated tables with vases of flowers. |
| What a lovely occasion it was at the Cream Tea on Saturday afternoon. A delicious tea of sandwiches,scones, cakes and cups of tea. |