Families, children and youth

At Milton the children and young people are encouraged to discover Jesus for themselves, learn through the scripture activities, games and fellowship.

Junior Church

We hold Junior church sessions in the church hall approximately twice a month (on Sundays when there is no Café Church or Holy Communion). These sessions run during morning worship (10.30am to 11.30am).
We have Bible stories, discussions and activities for children aged 5 years to 16 years.
Within the church there is a family/children's area with activities that can be used during the service if children do not want to join the activities in the church hall or on the weeks we do not hold a Junior church.


We are so pleased that the young people of our church family want to learn more about faith but also that they want to spend time together! 

When our youth alpha series finished 4 of our incredible young people asked to be confirmed, it was a wonderful time of celebration in the life of Milton. Following on from this all 9 of our young people asked for the group to continue in some way and so a new generation of Pathfinders was born. Pathfinders has been part of Milton for many years in various formats and has seen many secondary school age children grow in faith and into adulthood. We're excited to see how this next version develops.

Find out more here

Please pray for them as they navigate secondary school and teenage life with faith.

Messy Church

It is so exciting to be able to come together for Messy Church, and we are looking forward to sharing this time with all our old friends and making new ones too.  Messy Church is usually held at 4pm on the first Saturday of the month in the church hall. It is a wonderful time for children and parents to experience church in an exciting and hands on way, each month we focus on a particular story and have lots of different activities to do as we think about what the story means for us. We then have a short time of worship (about 20mins) in the church with action songs, stories and maybe even a puppet or 2. Next we head back to the hall for a party tea. Messy Church is free to all and we love welcoming you and your little ones to our church. 

We look forward to sharing some fun and games with you at Messy Church. For more details about each event check our Facebook or send us a message. If your child has dietary requirements please contact us in advance so we can ensure all children can enjoy the whole experience. You can do this via Facebook, the website or by speaking to one of our team.

The table set for the party tea.Messy Church party table