Our Team
Milton Methodist is full of love and friendship but there is work to be done to maintain our church life. We wouldn't manage to be effective as a church or community without the amazing team of people who give generously to keep Milton the best it can be. They give time, skills and resources, prayers, encouragement and strength. There are many roles to be filled within a church and often these roles require a lot of work and are filled by people who volunteer themselves for the task.
We are privileged to worship alongside so many dedicated Christians who work tirelessly for the kingdom and people of God. There are wonderful teams in all areas of church life and we are going to share about some of them and their roles in these pages. We cannot include all the amazing teams and volunteers but we wanted to give you an idea of those who lead and protect our congregation and who you can turn to for help in certain areas.
We hope to soon be able to share on our website about our Children’s ministries and the team that works with them. If you have any queries for them or want to know more about that area of church life in the meantime, please contact us and we can give you more information.