A Champion for the Mead Fields estate

Many of us are aware that the North Somerset council has been building a large number of new housing estates or ‘Villages’ around the Weston-Super- Mare area. As these have gone up the community of faith has supported new residents in establishing a sense of community within the villages, this has been done through facilitating events and activities that encourage relationships to develop and flourish.

Road into Mead Field Estate

The Methodist Church has agreed to take the lead in this ministry to the Mead Fields village, while other churches and groups lead the way in the other villages. This is an ecumenical desire to see real community flourishing in and around our town with potential for people to discover God along the way.

Milton will be acting as the Champion Church for the people of Mead Fields. This means that the congregation and leadership are committed to praying for the work of this ministry, supporting events and serving the community in the village in whatever ways they are able.

                            Entrance board and flags

The Mead Fields Vision Team – Mead Fields Together

This section is under maintenance as Deacon Gary Hoare has moved to a new parish. New contacts will be published as soon as possible.

Led by the Rev. Steve Bennett the vision team have been regularly meeting since the development of Mead Fields was first confirmed. The team is made up men and women with a passion for God and his people, many of the members have previous experience ministering on new housing developments and have served within the framework of the Methodist Church for some years. Deacon Gary Hoare works alongside developers, stakeholders and the council communities’ development department to ensure we are able to offer the best support we can.

The team have created welcome packs for when residents move in (currently many of the houses are still being built, however, around 100 are now occupied) have given out Easter eggs and mugs as well as having posters and fliers produced letting people know about the group and offering support. They do this with the name Mead Fields Together.

Mead Fields Together Logo

A lot of this work has been severely hampered by the global coronavirus pandemic, but the team are hopeful that, as we move out of lockdown, they will be able to build meaningful relationships with the people who live and work in the village of Mead Fields. They hope to hold community engagement events and facilitate residents meeting together in a neutral space to forge lasting friendships that encourage a sense of community within the village.       

Get involved, be a Champion for the residents of Mead Fields.

The Vision team is delighted to hear ideas and have offers of help, particularly if an event is in the planning! Any gifts or talents you have can be used in this ministry as it is flexible and community lead.

Pray! Please pray for the vision team and all those striving to see a resilient and flourishing community springing up in the village. Prayer can change everything so please remember all those who the Mead Fields development affects: Builders, Developers, Stakeholders, New Residents and the wider area of Weston as more services will need to be brought in.

If you feel God prompting you to give financially then these gifts are greatly appreciated and will be used to support the ministry and calling of Mead Fields Together.

If you feel you have something to offer or if you want to find out more please contact us, either through the website, Facebook page or calling to speak to Deacon Gary at the Manse.
